Thursday, December 27, 2012

Is this thing on?!

Oh yeah, I have a blog. Well, if you can count 2 measly posts during the most boring summer of my life a blog, than sure. But hey, no one reads this thing anyway. And if you are reading this right now, I'm sorry. But not really. Hello? Baxter? You ate the whole wheel of cheese? Actually, I'm not even mad about that!

Ok, enough with the nonsense. If you don't know what what movie I just referenced, you have just broken my heart and I don't know if we should be friends anymore. Ok, its not that serious, but go watch Anchorman, right now! Are you watching? LIES!

Sorry, this is what happens to your brain after a semester of law school. Law school is a magical place where smart people gather and talk about their smartness and nothing is difficult because you're all so smart and its so much fun to learn about contracts and civil procedure and learn how to write all over again! At least that's what I thought when I decided as a wee child that I wanted to go to there. (No, not a typo. Again, if you don't get the reference, I'm crying inside). As Liz Lemon would say, NERDS.

So what has law school taught me so far? Well for starters, don't trust me to give you advice about contract law, because I will definitely just say some big words in a sentence together to sound like I know what I'm talking about. More importantly, I have learned that all those people who are kind of intimidating because they seem like they know what they're doing really have just as little of a clue as you do. No one has a clue what they're doing when they start out, and most people don't have it figured out when they're finished, either. I will be the first to admit how much I struggled in the beginning. I was never the type of person who had to work that hard to get good grades. Obviously I was pretty studious but let's be real, I am a professional crammer and don't care about exams or papers until a day or two before they're due. Law school, however, forced me to change that attitude. See, law school likes to punch you in the face with a month's worth of undergraduate work in one week. If you try to cram, you're screwed.

I can't tell you how many times during the first month I called my boyfriend and told him I was quitting. A few times, I was serious. Things got better when he made me realize that it's ok to take a day off once in a while. No, Kelly, the world won't end. Breathe Kelly, you're hyperventilating. Kelly, you don't hate everything, you just need a day off. If you don't take a day off, I will hide all your books and kidnap you. Yes, I'm serious. And he was.

The experience is what you make it. Its really not worth it to stress 24/7 about all the work you haven't done yet and how much time its all going to take you. The world doesn't end (LOL Mayans) if you take a few minutes to breathe. I think the most important thing I have learned so far is how important it is to continue to do the things you love and remember that there is life outside of school. As hard as balancing school, work, and life can be, none of it's worth it if you forget to live a little.

If you actually read this whole thing, what a pal! I'm gonna try to actually remember that I started writing this and post more frequently. Peace out cubscouts.